listener][handle->callbackIds]++; return NO_ERROR; }"> listener][handle->callbackIds]++; return NO_ERROR; }"> listener][handle->callbackIds]++; return NO_ERROR; }">
status_t TransactionCallbackInvoker::registerPendingCallbackHandle(
        const sp<CallbackHandle>& handle) {
    std::lock_guard lock(mMutex);

    // If we can't find the transaction stats something has gone wrong. The client should call
    // startRegistration before trying to register a pending callback handle.
    TransactionStats* transactionStats;
    status_t err = findTransactionStats(handle->listener, handle->callbackIds, &transactionStats);
    if (err != NO_ERROR) {
        ALOGE("cannot find transaction stats");
        return err;

    return NO_ERROR;