(this) in a ctor that will not keep a // reference once the ctor ends, as that would cause the refcount of 'this' // dropping to 0 at the end of the ctor. Since all we need is a wp<...> // that's what we create. wp listener = static_cast(this); sp proxy = new BufferQueue::ProxyConsumerListener(listener); status_t err = mConsumer->consumerConnect(proxy, controlledByApp); if (err != NO_ERROR) { CB_LOGE("ConsumerBase: error connecting to BufferQueue: %s (%d)", strerror(-err), err); } else { "> (this) in a ctor that will not keep a // reference once the ctor ends, as that would cause the refcount of 'this' // dropping to 0 at the end of the ctor. Since all we need is a wp<...> // that's what we create. wp listener = static_cast(this); sp proxy = new BufferQueue::ProxyConsumerListener(listener); status_t err = mConsumer->consumerConnect(proxy, controlledByApp); if (err != NO_ERROR) { CB_LOGE("ConsumerBase: error connecting to BufferQueue: %s (%d)", strerror(-err), err); } else { "> (this) in a ctor that will not keep a // reference once the ctor ends, as that would cause the refcount of 'this' // dropping to 0 at the end of the ctor. Since all we need is a wp<...> // that's what we create. wp listener = static_cast(this); sp proxy = new BufferQueue::ProxyConsumerListener(listener); status_t err = mConsumer->consumerConnect(proxy, controlledByApp); if (err != NO_ERROR) { CB_LOGE("ConsumerBase: error connecting to BufferQueue: %s (%d)", strerror(-err), err); } else { ">
ConsumerBase::ConsumerBase(const sp<IGraphicBufferConsumer>& bufferQueue, bool controlledByApp) :
        mPrevFinalReleaseFence(Fence::NO_FENCE) {
    // Choose a name using the PID and a process-unique ID.
    mName = String8::format("unnamed-%d-%d", getpid(), createProcessUniqueId());

    // Note that we can't create an sp<...>(this) in a ctor that will not keep a
    // reference once the ctor ends, as that would cause the refcount of 'this'
    // dropping to 0 at the end of the ctor.  Since all we need is a wp<...>
    // that's what we create.
    wp<ConsumerListener> listener = static_cast<ConsumerListener*>(this);
    sp<IConsumerListener> proxy = new BufferQueue::ProxyConsumerListener(listener);

    status_t err = mConsumer->consumerConnect(proxy, controlledByApp);
    if (err != NO_ERROR) {
        CB_LOGE("ConsumerBase: error connecting to BufferQueue: %s (%d)",
                strerror(-err), err);
    } else {
  • 第一个参数是 IGraphicBufferConsumer 代理。
  • 构造函数中先创建了一个唯一名字。
  • ConsumerBase 继承 ConsumerListener,所以用 this 创建了 ProxyConsumerListener,然后调用 consumerConnect() 连接了 BufferQueue。